Dazzling Harmonies

Dazzling Harmonies
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Karen Phillips
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, 21 Jul 2024
Our "Dazzling Harmonies" event was a wonderful afternoon of performances by our sister choruses Blue Sky Harmony, Hot Ginger Chorus, and Brisbane City Sounds Chorus, as well as Bella A'Cappella and Red Velvet Ensemble. Not only did each chorus perform their own songs, but we joined together to perform our grand finale, Fight Song. OZCHORDS | ISSUE 87 | PAGE 40 REDLANDRHAPSODYCHORUS Our guest presenter was Dee Handyside from The Silk Rags Project, who shared her journey with us and helped us understand how to open up discussions with people who have received a cancer diagnosis. All funds raised from the day were donated to Women's Cancer Support GC.

The event, Dazzling Harmonies, was an afternoon gathering hosted by Redland Rhapsody Chorus in October, coinciding with Cancer Awareness Month, to support those affected by women's cancers.

It was a collaborative effort involving invited Queensland Sweet Adeline Choruses: Blue Sky Harmony Chorus, Brisbane City Sounds Chorus, Hot Ginger Chorus, and Redland Rhapsody Chorus, along with Tamborine Mountain's community chorus, Bella A'Cappella.

The event aimed to empower individuals from all backgrounds and lifestyles to come together and support this important cause. Each chorus, along with quartets and ensembles, delivered beautiful performances, with a poignant moment when all choruses (100 women) combined to sing "Fight Song," touching many with its significance to women on their cancer journey.

Guest speaker Dee Handyside, a cancer survivor, shared her unique perspective on supporting loved ones facing a cancer diagnosis.

The event concluded with a high tea provided by Redland Rhapsody and a raffle featuring generous prizes.

We raised $2390 which was donated to Women's Cancer Support Gold Coast, providing grass roots support and equipment loans to affected women in our region.

Carol Baker